Simone Ruschmeier (1971, Germany) is an UK based MSc RIBA III Architect, who specialises in ecological building, with a focus on straw-building techniques. To up-grade her knowledge on earth-building techniques she has taken up studies at CRAterre, Grenoble, a specialisation Master course of studies on earth-building and conservation, for which she is now doing research at the local clay and lime works, saviukumaja, into pre-fabricated earth render, which really is a clay/earth wall paper.
Following her ideology that "inhabiting a home" should mean more than having paid for a place to sleep in, she encourages everyone to do as much as possible themselves when building a home. From the initial design, to the last finishing touches. Wall paper is a very quick and easy way to give a neat finish to any sort of wall, and clay/earth is a great material on so many levels, it's a marriage made in heaven. So far the research results have been very promising indeed...