Yannick Dauby is a sound artist living in Taiwan. He is obsessed by listening the environment. He feels naked when he doesn't wear microphones and headphones. He has a special relationship with treefrogs and modular synthesizers. He improvises with branches and stones. He collaborates with communities in Hakka and Austronesian territories of Taiwan.
Wan-Shuen Tsai grew up in the archipelago of Penghu, Taiwan. Studied and lived in France during several years and nowadays settled in the region of Taipei. Her artwork is shared between mixed-media installation, drawing, video and poetry. Her installations are ephemeral and constitutes a specific relationship to the physical space and architecture. Her image creation suggests an opening of narration and transforms a landscape into a mental space.
Shijingren is is a collaborative project between Wan-Shuen Tsai and Yannick Dauby that focuses on audio-visual works about landscape.