[caption id="attachment_428" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="An elderly lady in the beautiful allotments recieves one of our homemade ice-cream lollies."][/caption]
Dear all...
A little late but life jumped back into the fast lane once we got back to Germany. Mooste seems a million miles away now. Which is sad.
Between the 15th of July and the 31st of August we spent a six week MOKS residency in Mooste, creating a body of work to address themes that emerged during the first week of our stay. Our work explored Estonian identity in the locality using a variety of participative and interactive techniques, a body of work that looks at the relationships between people, place and history.
Interventions included the creation of a moped procession through the village, sand mapping on the local beach, a photo-shoot in the baron’s clothes, hiding messages on homemade ice cream and infiltrating Google Maps.
Information and documentation relating to these events can be found on our website at http://treacleonline.wordpress.com/archive1/moks-residency/
We can't describe how much we valued our time in Mooste. For the first few weeks at MOKS we managed to balance work and life for the first time in many years. The question is how to keep hold of this.
Hope all goes well and look forward to seeing you all again some time in the near future,
Kaspar & Susanne
PS. Exciting scenes in the basement! We look forward to seeing how everything develops over the next year.