"If my chief wants me to work faster, of course ..." (the subtitles on the film still). Vaikelu tööstuudios lõunapausi ajal. / Still life in the studio while team is having lunch. Yesterday, on November 21st, the Worldfilm Festival team gathered at MoKS to work here for few days. The next Worldfilm festival will be held on 18th to 24th of March 2013, and it's already the 10th anniversary! It's really nice to see the team members being busily around in the house, and then disappearing for hours to their working studio. Some of them are busy choosing the films for the program, from a selection of 200-300 films! The others work on everything else that is necessary for the festival to be successful (like funding and communication). From previous experience I venture to say that the working days for them are getting longer and longer, and sleeping hours shorter and shorter... But let's keep our fingers crossed and wish them good luck! We are really happy here at MoKS to have Jaanika and Pille, Eva and Siim, Taavi and Reimo and Worldfilm – our friends in life and film – here with us! [Siiri]