MoKS 2013 Yearbook gives a detailed chronicle of the residencies and events from that year. Because of the density and complexity of MoKS annual program, we felt the need to produce a publication. The yearbooks was compiled and edited by Evelyn Grzinich with the help of Daniel Allen and John Grzinich and many of the artists themselves. The layout and design was done by Agnieszka Pokrywka.
MoKS koostöös FKSEga (The Studio of Young Artists’ Association, Budapest) pakub võimaluse Eesti kunstnikele kahekuuliseks residentuuriks Budapestis
Taotluse saab esitada SIIN hiljemalt 1.maiks 2014
Kandideerida võivad kõigi loomealade esindajad (ka kunstikriitikud, -kuraatorid, ajaloolased). Seoses MoKSi ja FKSE ühise residentuuriteemaga on eelistatud ettepanekud, mis uurivad kohalikke aspekte(keskkonnainterventsioonid, linnaaiandus, aktivism jms). Resideerimisprogrammi väljavalitud kunstnikule on tagatud mugav korter (45 min linnatransporti stuudiost ja galeriist) ning ateljee FKSE peakorteris Budapestis. Samas on võimalik korraldada ka esitlus, näitus või worskshop resideerimisperioodi vältel.
FKSE on noori Ungari kunstnikke, kunstiajaloolasi ja -kriitikuid koondav organisatsioon. Nende eesmärgiks on pakkuda oma liikmetele stuudioid ja resideerimisvõimalusi, aidata näituste korraldamisel, soodustada rahvusvahelisi professionaalseid sidemeid- pakkuda igakülgset tuge oma liikmetele nende loomingulise tegevuse korraldamisel.
2014. aastal vahetavad MoKS ja FKSE kunstnikke: MoKS võõrustab Moostes kaks kuud Ungari kunstnikku ja ühel Eesti kunstnikul on võimalus töötada FKSE stuudios Budapestis.
Lisainfo: Evelyn Müürsepp- Grzinich, 513 8599
Oled Sa kunagi mõelnud teha kunstiresidentuuri aga sul ei ole ruumi ja võimalusi? Kui nii, siis MoKS pakub Sulle võimaluse. Kuidas? Edasi loe SIIT
From March 10th till May 30th MoKS has offered its basement for a small experiment- namely local community has lacked place, where youngsters can meet and spend their time as they want. Several parents from the community took the initiative, MoKS offered a temporary space and so the Mooste Youth Center was born. As a result of that we have also youth-worker in residence, who will help to start-up the Youth Center. We strongly hope that Youth Center will find permanent place and its activities be supported by community. If you as an artist want to work with some of the youngsters, then they are very open and perhaps can become also assistants for your work if you need one.
MoKS AIRs of November Anne- Liis Kogan ja Jorge Uriel Najera agreed to visit Vastse- Kuuste primary-school. It was our 1st visit to that school and very warm one. Our host, art teacher Kersti was very nice and flexible and seemed to be as exited about forthcoming art class as much as students. I think Anne-Liis and Jorge managed to create quite a mess at kids and teacher heads and probably also enouth curiosity, so i hope that thanks to their visit there are more people now in the world who will not yawn when they hear word "(contemporary) art" or make other faces.
First lesson was by Anne- Liis, she gave quick climpse into her doings and discussed with kids some issues related to her work. Later she gave out old analogue cameras and gave them excercise kids should do for the next meeting. Week later we picked up films and cameras, after developing Anne-Liis viewed and discussed photoes with kids. Unfortunately some of them did not use the possibility and did not take any photoes. However, they seemed to be very interested about continuing working with analog cameras, so i proposed to continue more from technical side next year.
In that morning i went to school with Jorge there was 1st snow on the ground. Road was slippery and we were a bit late. It took for a while to get equipment working as wished. As Jorge is using electronics in his work, building and programming his installations all by himself he also decided to give some interest urging workshop for kids. Batteries, LEDs, shortcircuits, pink flames and smoke. Even girls were excited and no- one even took a break... Before leaving Jorge asked kids to use their new knowledge wisely and in right place, i added that it is also important to keep in mind if they want to see more artists at their school in future.
Reede, 25. oktoobri õhtul kell 19, räägivad MoKSi oktoobrikuu residentkunstnikud Jiyeon Kim, Dawn Scarfe ja Gunnhildur Una Jonsdottir oma loomingust ja sellest, mida nad MoKSis teinud on.
Jutuajamine on inglise keeles, vajadusel tõlge eesti keelde.
Sündmus on tasuta.
Lisainfo: Evelyn Müürsepp- Grzinich 5 138 599
Jiyeon Kim on helikunstnik ja muusik, kes elab Soulis, Lõuna-Koreas. Keskonda avastab ta enda sõnul välisalvestiste ja helide komponeerimise läbi. Dawn Scarfe Inglismaalt töötab installatsiooni, performance ja välisalvestistega, kasutades oma loomingus sageli hapraid ja õrnu materjale. Jiyeon ja Dawn töötasid Moostes ühiselt, avastades koos sügist, jagades kogemusi kuulamises, salvestamises ja komponeerimises. Koostöö eesmärgiks on nende sõnul eelkõige õppimine teineteise reageeringust tundmatutele maastikele ja õhkkondadele.
Gunnhildur Una Jonsdottir kirjutab Islandi Ülikoolis oma doktoritööd. Kujutava kunsti taustaga Gunnhildur Una uurimisvaldkonnaks on maapiirkonnas paiknevate kunstiresidentuuride ümber arenenud sotsiaalsed väärtused ja õppimiskogemused.
Residentuuri rahastab: