Wednesday, September 18th
6pm- 8pm, Tartu Nature House
in cooperation with Elav Tartu and Tartu Nature House
free entry
Come and meet the things which are thrown away and considered as useless. Despite that (f)act these things do not disappear from our world. Come and face creatively our everyday trash and questions what it arises.
Come and listen, how the waste expert and art historian are interpreting the artworks created from trash. Come and participate in the colouring event for concerned adults and discuss with us how to move towards wasteless life.
6- 7pm Guided tour at the travelling art exhibition NOT out of sight, NOT out of mind.
Waste expert (prof Mait Kriipsalu) and art historian (Indrek Grigor) will share their facts and views about artefacts on the exhibition.
7:15- 8:15 Colouring event by Bita Razavi
Bita Razavi was born in Tehran but now lives and works between Helsinki and countryside Estonia. Bita’ s coloring event is a public social event where participants can engage in a collective activity of coloring while socializing and possibly discussing life and politics. A contemporary version of a convivial afternoon of embroidery.
Coloring books are more popular than ever. They are made for both adults and children. You can buy books with mandala patterns or with drawings of characters from your favourite films. But what if the coloring pages confront you with serious problems that are hard to wrap your head around? Coloring Book for Concerned Adults consists of coloring pages that depict burning issues in Estonian society. Razavi’s coloring pages contains graphs with a political charge. However, the data provided by graphs has been left open and the one coloring can make their own decision how information on the graphs can be interpreted.
The event is part of public programme for travelling art exhibition NOT out of sight, NOT out of mind. The exhibition and its events are part of the cross-border project WasteArt that includes 8 partners from Latvia and Estonia with a common goal to raise awareness towards the vast amount of waste produced, as well as possibilities to reduce, reuse and recycle waste materials.
Exhibition and related public programme at Tartu Nature House is developed by MoKS artist run space, in cooperation with Tartu Nature House, Institute for Environmental Solutions (Latvia) and WasteArt project partners.
Exhibition stays open at Tartu Nature House until October 25th 2019.
Guided tour in Estonian, colouring event in your native language.
The project is implemented by the Institute for Environmental Solutions in cooperation with MoKS Artist Residency, Rucka Artist Residency, Võru municipality, Vidzeme Planning Region, SIA ZAAO, Põlva municipality and Tipu Nature School.
The exhibition is a part of the project WasteArt No. Est-Lat 65, which is funded by ERDF Interreg V-A Estonia- Latvia Cross-Border Programme, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development of Latvia, Tartu City, Environmental Investment Center, Cultural Endowment of Estonia and project partners. Materials for the exhibition were provided by the Landfill “Daibe”, Swedbank Estonia and local communities in Latvia and Estonia.
This announcement reflects the views of the author. The managing authority of the Interreg V-A Estonia – Latvia programme is not liable for how this information may be used.